news releases


Accumulation – 黒電話666

OOO-31 | CD | Digital


アガタ from MELT-BANANA

黒電話さん、音楽は煩く賑やかな感じなんですね~ ギャップが怖い!

kohei matsunaga (NHK yx Koyxen)









アート倉持 (黒パイプ)

東京を拠点に、主にライブシーンにおいてその実力を轟かせて来た、オリジナルハーシュサウンド追求者にして電気音響過激派「黒電話666」の満を持しての1st 公式作品。

さらにCDのみフィジカル特典として豪華リミキサー陣を招致。ENA (Samurai Horo)、KYOKA (raster-noton)による、この二者でしか作り得ない先鋭的かつドープな黒電話ノイズ再構築音源を収録。マスタリングは、にせんねんもんだい・空間現代・伊東篤宏等のレコーディング/マスタリングを手がけるnoguchi taoruが担当。

BLACKPHONE666’s music is fast, outline of each sound is very clear. He uses many high frequency sound, and play with real black phone, His show is awesome. I never get tired of listening to his songs with high volume at home. And he is a good guy. There are many points we, MELT-BANANA like about him!

BLACKPHONE666 is a very gentle guy, but his sound is noisy and fierce. What a difference between his personality and sound!
[kohei matsunaga (NHK yx Koyxen)]

I LOVED the new BLACKPHONE666 track !! Sick as fuck and soooo “Alien” !!!

BLACKPHONE666 is the most consumed harsh noise artist at today’s nightclub scene in Tokyo, Everyone should definitely listen, because almost all the people don’t even know the existence of current harsh noise.

A telephone is a transmitter, a receiver, and also a part of symbol of cutting-edge technology in our daily lives. Its shape keep changing with the times. His intense scream through a receiver is very spontaneous, and he perfectly mixed his voice as harsher sound material in tracks. (Extract from main text)


[アート倉持 (黒パイプ)]

to such noise-obsessed underground music scene in Tokyo with young musicians having each different musical background☎BLACKPHONE666 has been active for 15 years as a noise musician, also organizes many gigs, and this EP “Accumulation” is the recent report about “the scene” from him☎(Extract from main text)
[Art Kuramochi (Kuropipe)]

BLACKPHONE666 is a very gentle guy, but his sound is noisy and fierce. What a difference between his personality and sound!
[kohei matsunaga (NHK yx Koyxen)]

BLACKPHONE666 is a very gentle guy, but his sound is noisy and fierce. What a difference between his personality and sound!
[kohei matsunaga (NHK yx Koyxen)]

Extreme electronic music act/original harsh noise sound seeker from Tokyo, renowned for tons of gigs, “BLACKPHONE666” drops his long-awaited 1st official release.

“BLAZE” is started with nervy electronic sound, then, gradually torture your ears. “OXD” destroys your audible field with rough energy.
When you listen these 2 tracks, you must notice why worldwide listeners from various genre rocks out by his sound. 
“BLACKPHONE666” is the leading act of relentless electronic music in the 21th century. The time has come when his “Accumulation” of pitch-black noise overflows from speakers around the world.
The remix tracks by ENA (Samurai Horo, KYOKA (raster-noton) are recorded as the bonus tracks only for CD.
These 2 impressive artists create edgy and dope re-construction of his blackphone noise, like no one else can do.The mastering is by noguchi taoru, who has worked with Nisennenmondai ,Kukangendai, Atsuhiro Ito, etc, as the recording/mastering engineer.Masterd by noguchi taoru
Art work & Designed by ticotu YOKO
Movie Edited by Masashi Narita

黒電話666 (Blackphone666)





東京の様々なアンダーグラウンドアーティストと親交を深め、2007-2012の5年間は電音楽イベント「Discord Proving Ground」(http://www.geocities.jp/made_in_nakano/dpg/index.html)を企画・運営。
招致したアーティストはTujiko Noriko、いちろう (ex.ゆらゆら帝国)、NUMB、AGATA (Melt-Banana)、足立智美、MARUOSA、PAINJERK、山川冬樹、KYOKA、T.美川 (非常階段)、空間現代、伊東篤宏等多数。

圧倒的なライブパフォーマンスが国際的な噂と熱い支持を受け、正規音源を待たずして2012年には韓国ツアー、2013年には現地からの正式招待によりUK~フランス~スイスのユ-ロツアーを敢行、ツアー中においては大友良英、ENDON、Oren Ambarchi、Mark Fell、Jello Biafra (ex.Dead Kennedys)等と共演。

2014-2015年にかけてはMATMOS、Russell Haswell、Bastard Noise、Sickness、Dick El Demasiado、TM404等海外勢との国内共演やDommune配信、Red Bull Music Academy Tokyo、2.5D配信、秩父4Dに出演。
その他近年の共演者に宇川直宏、Melt-Banana、DJ NOBU、Aoki Takamasa、灰野敬二等。



Extreme electronic music act from Tokyo, who pursues original harsh noise sound.He has unique playstyle at his show, with old dialer style desk phone and tons of effector pedals.
He “plays” noise tightly with dynamism of harsh noise and musical development.

His tough, strong and furious sound is created from his skill and considerable experience of his fierce gigs. His music follows noise music manner, but also has great expectation for new development of extreme electronic music and attracts attention in various areas.
His sound is extreme characteristic, excessive sound density, solid and stiff sound is opposite to psychedelic, and massive sound pressure has affinity for dub.

He plays gigs anywhere and borderless, like at live bars, nightclubs, galleries, etc, and genre of gigs are noise, hardcore, techno and electronica. He is like a cross-over bridge between noise music and various genre of music.

BLACKPHONE666 is started on 2001, continues to be active mainly for live performances.
He has good relationship with a lot of underground artists in Tokyo. In 2007 to 2012, he organized electronic music event called “Discord Proving Ground”(http://www.geocities.jp/made_in_nakano/dpg/index.html).
Tujiko Noriko, Ichiro(ex-Yurayura Teikoku), NUMB, AGATA(Melt-Banana), Tomomi Adachi, MARUOSA, PAINJERK, Fuyuki Yamakawa, KYOKA, T.Mikawa(Hijo Kaidan), Kukan Gendai, Atsuhiro Ito, and many more artists played at this event.

His overwhelming live performance was spread as a rumor and attracted eager support worldwide. Before his first independent release, he toured Korea on 2012, and toured EU(UK,France and Swiss) on 2013. On EU tour, he shared stages with Yoshihide Otomo, ENDON, Oren Ambarchi, Mark Fell, Jello Biafra (ex.Dead Kennedys) etc.

On 2014 to 2015, he played gigs together with many artist from overseas such as MATMOS, Russel Haswell, Bastard Noise, Sickness, Dick El Demasiado, TM404, etc.
His gig at Dommune and 2.5D was streamed online. Also he played at Red Bull Music Academy Tokyo and at Chichibu 4D.
Recently, he shared the stage with Naohiro Ukawa, Melt-Banana, DJ NOBU, Aoki Takamasa, Keiji Haino etc.

news releases


Expanding Antiverse – Sissy Spacek


CD-1 Cacti 0:12
CD-2 Machine Abstraction 0:17
CD-3 Arrow 0:14
CD-4 Turner 0:31
CD-5 Hoping Off 0:23
CD-6 War Bonnet 0:14
CD-7 Pre-Approved 0:33
CD-8 Scramble Suit 0:10
CD-9 Bleached 1:03
CD-10 Mk II 1:00
CD-11 Coupling Type 0:58
CD-12 Prize Closet/ 1 1:52
CD-13 Three Listed Actions 0:30
CD-14 Sympathectomy 0:14
CD-15 Lane Splitting 0:10
CD-16 Mixed Message 0:46
CD-17 Handgun 1:01
CD-18 BPHF 0:07
CD-19 California Sleep 0:06
CD-20 W.A.M. 0:09
CD-21 Closed To Interpretation 1:23
CD-22 Limit Cycle Attractor 1:43
CD-23 Spalling 0:58
CD-24 Spike 0:08
CD-25 Unraveling 2:59
CD-26 Alphabetic 1:33
CD-27 Run-On Line 0:47
CD-28 Rejet 0:40
CD-29 Blind Take/ 1 0:54
CD-30 Alliterative Verse 0:46
CD-31 Blind Take/ 2 1:01
CD-32 Time Of Waste 2:00
CD-33 Asylum 0:38
CD-34 Pineapple Fragmentation 0:24
CD-35 Painted Red 1:54
CD-36 Variant 1:28
CD-37 Seeded Fruit 1:09
CD-38 Closed Couplets 1:18
CD-39 Prize Closet/ 2 3:01

DVD-1 Live At The Handbag Factory
DVD-2 Live At Human Rescources
DVD-3 REH 2014 3:39
DVD-4 MATA Gallery 1:16
DVD-5 Stacking 1:13
DVD-6 Live At The Smell
DVD-7 Live In Oakland
DVD-8 Live At Berserktown
DVD-9 Live On WFMU 13:08
DVD-10 Lathe Cutting 4:22
DVD-11 Earth In Streams

USA/LA発ブラー/グラインド・ユニット”Sissy Spacek”の結成20周年を記念し制作された33枚目のアルバム。

Nuclear War Now!からリリースされる新作と同時期に制作された本作はグラインドとノイズの最も強烈な要素を取り入れた意欲作。テープマニピュレート、ノイズなど実験的手法をふんだんに取り入れ、曲のメソッドとしてで無く音そのものでグラインドコアにアプローチするような激しい音塊と怒濤の展開はノイズグラインド/グラインドコアの可能性を更新し続けるバンド=Sissy Spacekの希有なオリジナリティを存分に示している。
DVDにはSara Taylor(Youth Code), Aaron Hemphill (Liars), Mike Dubose (Raw Nerv es, Superbad)参加時のライヴフッテージやリハーサル、ギャラリーでの破壊パフォーマンス等様々な秘蔵映像を70分超収録。パフォーマンスアート”THE HATERS”を参照したJohn Wieseデザインによるアートワーク、紙ジャケゲートフォールド仕様。

Sissy Spacek:
1999年ロサンゼルスで結成されたブラー / グラインドユニット。実験音楽家John Wieseによって設立され、ノイズコア、コラージュ、テープミュージック、フリーインプロビゼーション、ラージスケール・アンサンブル、そしてそれ以外にも、様々な要素を取り入れながら、グラインドコアのバンドして多彩な音楽シーンを超えて活躍を続ける中、多くのメンバーたちが、何年間も経つ間に、バンドに加わり、そして去っていった。このバンドは、数多くのジャンルをまたぐ、そして数多くのメソッドを駆使した30枚以上のフルアルバムを、すでにリリースしている。
今回は2013年からの編成であるCharlie Mumma (ドラム、2008年よりボーカル) とJohn Wiese (ベース、エレクトロニクス、ボーカル)のデュオで、結成20周年を記念し初来日する。

This album has been recorded to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Los Angeles blur/grindcore unit “Sissy Spacek”, as its 33rd release.

This bold undertaking, including intense grind and noise elements, was recorded at the same time as the new album being released from Nuclear War Now! Productions.
In a characteristic display of Sissy Spacek’s continuous original developments of the potential in noise-grind and grindcore music through raging waves of sound, this album generously implements tape manipulations, noise, and other experimental techniques, not as methodical features of the songs, but by using sound itself to approach grindcore.
The DVD includes over 70 minutes of rare footage, such as the live performance with Sara Taylor (Youth Code), Aaron Hemphill (Liars), Mike Dubose (Raw Nerves, Superbad), rehearsal, and a Destructive gallery performance. The gatefold disc cover includes artwork referencing the performaofnce art “The Haters” as designed by John Wiese.

Sissy Spacek:
A blur/grind unit formed in 1999 in Los Angeles. Established by experimental musician John Wiese, various members have entered and left the band throughout the years as it overlapped different scenes, considering itself a grindcore band while employing noisecore, collage, tape music, free improvisation, large-scale ensembles, and more. The band has already released more than 30 full albums, within different genres and methods.
During live performances, Sissy Spacek, in the last 10 years, has been an unrelenting hellish grindcore assault, while releasing a wide variety of genres in their records.
Since 2013, the band has been a duo with Charlie Mumma (drums, and vocals since 2008) and John Wiese (bass, electronics, vocals), and is coming to Japan for the first time to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

news releases


Session June.12.2016 – Kazuma Kubota / Mei Zhiyong

OOO-32 | CD

1 Session June.12.2016 44:14

様々な層から支持を集めるノイズ・アーティストKazuma Kubotaと、近代中国ノイズの最重要人物メイ・ジヨン、日中現代ノイズ・アーティストの邂逅により実現した2016年スタジオ・セッションの記録音源である。両者のソロワークから感じられる共時性をタイト&ハードなノイズとして融合させた高純度コラボレーション。

Kazuma Kubota the noise artist who is gathering support from various strata, and Mei Zhiyong the most important figure of modern Chinese noise music. This piece of work is the live recording of a 2016 studio session that came about from a chance encounter of the Japanese and Chinese modern noise artists. It is a collaboration of a high purity that fuses together the synchronicity, which can be felt from the two artists’ solo work, as a tight and hard noise. I think this is an important piece that presents the current Japanese and Chinese noise. limited edition of 300 copies.

Kazuma Kubota
スピードとブレイク感溢れるノイズと 美麗なアンビエントドローンサウンド、フィールドレコーディング等によって構築された繊細かつドラマチックな作風でノイズリスナーのみならずエレクトロニカ、シューゲイザー、ハードコア他あらゆるエモーショナルな音を求めるリスナーからの支持を集める。
2013年に米ノイズレーベル”Ninth Circle Music”から1stフルレングスアルバム”Dis-connected”をリリース。
同じく2013年に初の国内流通作品として”Two of a Kind”EP/CDを国内レーベル”[…]dotsmark”からリリースし、即完売。
Ototoyでの美川俊治氏(非常階段/INCAPACITANTS)との対談や豪Night Science誌でのインタビュー掲載、英WIRE誌でのレビュー掲載等、国内外メディアで注目を集めている。
2016年8月には米国オハイオ州デイトンでのノイズ音楽フェスティバル”Amplified Humans Festival”にヘッドライナーとして招致される。
2017年、米国Amethyst Sunsetより”Utsuroi”LP(Reissue)をリリース予定。

Kazuma Kubota:
The harsh noise artists that are active in the heart of the metropolitan area. He gather the support from listeners who seek out the delicate yet dramatic composition style constructed by noise that is filled with a sense of speed and breaking, a beautiful ambient droning sound and field recording etc.; as well as from those besides noise listeners, who seek electronica, shoegazer, hard core and all the other emotional sounds.
In 2013, He released him first full length album “Dis-connected” from the American noise label, “Ninth Circle Music”.
Similarly in 2013, he released the EP/CD “Two of a Kind” as their first domestically distributed work from the”[…]dotsmark”, which sold out immediately.

he have been gaining attention from domestic and international media for their conversation with Mr. T.Mikawa on Ototoy and publication for interviews in the Night Science magazine and the Wire magazine etc.
In August 2016, they were invited as the headlining act for the “Amplified Humans Festival” in Dayton, Ohio in USA.
In 2017, they plan on releasing their LP record “Utsuroi”(reissue) from USA’s Amethyst Sunset.

Mei Zhiyong

Mei Zhiyong:
Meizhiyong is China’s most important international noise experimenter and hardware noise instrument DIYER.He is also active in independent film and photography, etc. Meizhiyong thinks that noise is the carrier of breaking all the rules, only impaling nothingness will real make you get rid of the contradiction between voice and body, between body and mind.The sign of his performance is the strong acting style and the electronic musical Instruments transformed by hacking and circut-bending. Meizhiyonghas already toured in Europe and Japan successively since 2014.He is now becoming the new blood of the noise and the experimental music in Asia.

news releases


中枢浸食 – マスクド・ダイオウド

OOO-18 | CDR

1 セメント 
2 サンテバル 
3 崇高な行為 
4 労働の歓び 

東京のPOWER-ELECTRONICS/INDUSTRIAL UNIT、本作は独L-whiteからの音源”MASKED DIODE”に次ぐ3作目の単独音源。日本語にこだわったアジテーション、荒削りさを以て逆説的にリスナーの領域へ生々しく肉迫するサウンドメイキング。JAPANESE P.E/INDUSTRIALの異端。

2005年に自主レーベルからのCDR”土人の神経戦”で音源デビュー後,OPEN WOUND(UK)、L-WHITE(GER)等ヨーロッパの硬派P.E/INDUSTRIALからリリースを重ねて来た、数少ない日本産ユニット。荒削りさを以て逆説的にリスナーの領域へ生々しく肉迫する、過剰な装飾を排した簡潔的でいて神経質な電子ノイズ皮肉と暗喩に彩られた日本語詞、ハードコアなアジテーション。日本オリジナルのパワーエレクトロニクス、インダストリアルである。彼等は自らのスタイルを、ハードコアエレクトロニクスと呼ぶ。

news releases


Traditional Kaiju Violence – Origami Swan

OOO-17 | CD

1 Telepathic Influenza 1:48
2 I Eat Your Skin 0:25
3 The So-Suzummebachi 0:49
4 Spectral Decomposition 0:12
5 Cover The Earth In Ink 0:47
6 Blastbeats Of Blasphemy 1:01
7 Astral Locus Swarms Devouring The Esophagi Of Swine 0:33
8 Desert Can Of Monetary Origin 0:33
9 Sauroid Vultures 2:52
10 The Design By Those Data 0:28
11 The Return Of Battra 2:20
12 Transdimensional Subatomic Regurgitation 6:05
13 Serology Crater Tart 1:45
14 Malignant Throat Worm Resurrected By Radioactive Bombardment 0:35
15 Castigating Leukemia 1:34
16 Maisie Chocolate Samurai 2:42
17 An Ode To Neuropeptide Y 0:27
18 I Am The Time Lords 2:35
19 Unending Blood Feasts 3:31
20 All Hail The Leather Jesus 0:07
21 Cyclopian Laser Colossus 1:32
22 Badger Badges (Of Those We Don’t Need No) 1:36
23 Transgalactic Fiscal Ambush 1:39
24 Atomic Clusters Collapsing Within The Gravitiational Pull Of The Satanic Vortex 9:06
25 Hedorah Vagina Fireball 0:04

2004年にカナダ・バンクーバーで結成されたギター&キーボード&ドラム&トリプルボーカルの3人組バンド Origami Swanの1stアルバム。

Discordance Axis,Pain Killer,Merzbow,John Zone,Venetian Snares等に共通項を見出す七色に変化する轟音のサウンド・スケープ! デス/ブラックメタル、グラインドコア、ブレイクコア、エモ、ノイズ、インダストリアル、サイケデリック等 いくつものエクストリームな音楽的要素を異種交配して産まれた怪獣によるド変態サウンドがリスナーの音楽的制約を破壊する。変調されパワーエレクトロニク ス化した奇妙なボーカル、極悪かつフリーキーなリフ、変幻自在なキーボード&ノイズ、 パワフルでハイテンションなドラム、意味不明な曲構成、それらが雑多なSEにまみれている。 彼等が本作で成し遂げたのは、新種のアメーバが無差別に触手を伸ばし、 あらゆるものを無差別に取り込んで新たな何者かへと成長していくかの様な「理屈なき混沌」である。 それは現代日本のサブカルチャーが持つものと同質の狂気であるが故に、Origami Swanはバンド名、曲名からアートワークに至るまで日本の文化と共振し、多くのアイデアを受け、またオマージュを捧げている。
封入特典:Origami Swan 特製折紙(白鳥)、Origami Swanへのインタビュー・リーフレット

news releases



OOO-14 | CD

1 Untitled 18:42

90年代より精力的な活動を続ける国内NOISE GRINDの古参、”肉奴隷”。AxCxや7MINUTES OF NAUSEA等のNOISE GRINDの系譜を踏襲しつつHANATARASH.THE GEROGERIGEGEGE等を意識したかのような数々のセンセーショナルなライヴパフォーマンスや、突発的かつ超限定的な自主製作音源群と国内外強力バンドとのスプリット作リリースで存在を知らしめて来た彼の実に8年ぶりとなる単独2ndCD。

近年のライヴや音源で一貫した感情の吐露として示して来た社会と権力に対する嫌悪と憎悪をNOISE GRINDという形式を用いて暴発させるが如く、過剰な衝動性をストレートに打ち出した爆裂狂乱轟音作!


news releases
